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Mutations de L'état et Protection des Droits de L'homme
Authors: ---
ISBN: 284016003X 2821817835 2821826710 Year: 2007 Publisher: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre

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La réflexion sur les mutations contemporaines de l’État sert ici de point de départ pour appréhender les transformations qui affectent le contenu, l’effectivité et les modalités de garantie des droits de l’homme : la délégation de fonctions régaliennes ne dilue-t-elle pas les responsabilités Étatiques ? Comment comprendre les stratégies développées par les États face aux mécanismes de protection internationale des droits de l’homme ? Quelles sont les conséquences du repli de l’État providence sur l’effectivité des droits sociaux lorsque leur garantie est de plus en plus souvent confiée à des personnes privées ? Comment analyser le rôle ambivalent des organisations économiques internationales, acteurs clés de la mondialisation libérale et attachées à la liberté des échanges, sur la réalisation de droits aussi fondamentaux que la santé, le travail ou l’éducation ? La multiplicité de ces questionnements et la richesse des contributions réunies montrent que les droits de l’homme constituent bien une discipline scientifique à part entière et qu’il y a place en ce domaine pour des analyses juridiques rigoureuses et des réflexions théoriques fécondes.

Economie mondialisée et identités de genre.
ISBN: 2882470487 2940503788 9782882470485 Year: 2002 Publisher: Genève IUED

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Avant même que le terme « mondialisation » fût introduit dans les débats politiques, des recherches genre se penchaient déjà sur les entreprises transnationales et la nouvelle division internationale du travail. Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les dimensions économiques, politiques et culturelles du processus de mondialisation, essentiellement à travers leurs effets sur les rapports de genre. L'ouvrage montre que les processus de la mondialisation sont étroitement liés à la vie quotidienne des femmes dans les quatre coins du monde. Elles sont contraintes à faire des choix qui affectent leurs sécurités existantes. Elles ouvrent néanmoins de nouvelles voies et de nouveaux défis qui peuvent - dans certains cas - bousculer les rapports de genre.

Bailouts or bail-ins? : responding to financial crises in emerging economies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0881323713 9786611397142 0881324604 1435655354 1281397148 9781435655355 9781281397140 9780881324600 6611397140 9780881323719 9780881325300 0881325309 Year: 2004 Publisher: Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics,

La Liquidité Internationale: Fonctions, Formes et Réforme
Authors: ---
ISBN: 213039051X 2940549494 Year: 1985 Publisher: Graduate Institute Publications

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Forests as Nature-Based Solutions: Ecosystem Services, Multiple Benefits and Trade-Offs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3036549765 3036549757 Year: 2022 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is becoming increasingly relevant in international and European policy frameworks. In March 2022, the fifth session of the United Nations Assembly for the Environment (UNEA-5) adopted a formal “Resolution on Nature-based Solutions NbS for Supporting Sustainable Development”, in which an agreed definition of NbS was given, recognizing their important role in the global response to climate change and its social, economic, and environmental effects. Forest ecosystems, including natural forests, managed forests, agroforestry systems, and urban and peri-urban forests, can be considered as multifunctional NbS, delivering key ecosystem services to people and supporting biodiversity. However, for the effective implementation and mainstreaming of forests as NbS, several research gaps still need to be addressed.This collection of papers presents relevant results from scientific researchers about the ecosystem services provided by forests in natural and urban contexts, encompassing not only providing services, but also regulation and maintenance services, such as carbon and air pollution sink, as well as recreational services. The impacts of environmental changes on forest multifunctionality and services provision are also investigated. Case studies for monetary valuation, willingness to pay for ecosystem services, and cost/benefit analyses are presented. The potential trade-offs and synergies between services, which might result from different stakeholders’ perspective and management strategies, are identified and critically discussed, adopting a science–policy interface approach.

Frameworks for monetary stability
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1557754195 9781455227495 1455227498 9781557754196 1462363369 1455218499 1283538571 9786613851024 Year: 1994 Publisher: Washington [D.C.]

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This book, edited by Tomás J.T. Baliño and Carlo Cottarelli, addresses some of the strategic issues faced by policymakers in the choice of a monetary regime. Following an overview of some of these issues, the book considers the various theoretical or practical frameworks for the implementation of monetary policy. It then focuses on how monetary policy should be implemented.


International finance --- 336.71 --- Banks and banking, Central --- -Economic stabilization --- -Monetary policy --- -fmi --- banques --- politique monetaire --- taux de change --- congres --- AA / International- internationaal --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- LDC / Developping Countries - Pays En Développement --- JP / Japan - Japon --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 333.111.0 --- 333.139.2 --- 333.111.7 --- 333.111.6 --- 334.151.20 --- 336.61 --- 333.80 --- 333.820 --- 333.450 --- 333.846.0 --- 333.451.1 --- Monetary policy --- -Banks and banking, Central --- -332.46 --- 336.71 Bankwezen --- Bankwezen --- Adjustment, Economic --- Business stabilization --- Economic adjustment --- Stabilization, Economic --- Economic policy --- Banker's banks --- Banks, Central --- Central banking --- Central banks --- Banks and banking --- Monetary management --- Currency boards --- Money supply --- Congresses --- imf --- banken --- monetair beleid --- wisselkoers --- congressen --- Algemeenheden. Theoretische en beschrijvende studies. Centrale banken. --- Bankcontrole en -reglementering. Reglementering van het bankberoep. --- Betrekkingen van de centrale banken met de kredietinstellingen. --- Betrekkingen van de centrale banken met de overheid. Voorschotten aan de overheid. Monetaire financiering van de schatkist. --- Economische en monetaire unie van de Europese Gemeenschappen: algemeenheden. --- Financieel beleid. --- Geld-, bank- en kredietpolitiek. Kapitaalmarkt en -rente: algemeenheden. --- Geldbeleid, bankbeleid en kredietbeleid: algemeenheden. --- Theorie van het deviezenverkeer. Theorie van de koopkrachtpariteit. --- Verband tussen het monetair, bank- en kredietbeleid en de economische ontwikkeling: algemeenheden. --- Wisselkoersen. --- Economic stabilization --- Politique monétaire --- Banques centrales --- Stabilisation économique --- Congrès --- 332.46 --- fmi --- Algemeenheden. Theoretische en beschrijvende studies. Centrale banken --- Betrekkingen van de centrale banken met de overheid. Voorschotten aan de overheid. Monetaire financiering van de schatkist --- Betrekkingen van de centrale banken met de kredietinstellingen --- Bankcontrole en -reglementering. Reglementering van het bankberoep --- Theorie van het deviezenverkeer. Theorie van de koopkrachtpariteit --- Wisselkoersen --- Geld-, bank- en kredietpolitiek. Kapitaalmarkt en -rente: algemeenheden --- Geldbeleid, bankbeleid en kredietbeleid: algemeenheden --- Verband tussen het monetair, bank- en kredietbeleid en de economische ontwikkeling: algemeenheden --- Economische en monetaire unie van de Europese Gemeenschappen: algemeenheden --- Financieel beleid --- Banks and Banking --- Foreign Exchange --- Inflation --- Investments: General --- Money and Monetary Policy --- Finance: General --- Banks --- Depository Institutions --- Micro Finance Institutions --- Mortgages --- General Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data) --- Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: General --- Price Level --- Deflation --- Central Banks and Their Policies --- Banking --- Currency --- Foreign exchange --- Monetary economics --- Finance --- Investment & securities --- Exchange rates --- Government securities --- Exchange rate policy --- Prices --- Financial institutions --- Open market operations --- Central bank bills --- Credit --- United States

Problems of international money,1972-85
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0939934582 9781463919214 1463919212 9780939934584 1463947429 9781463947422 1463910681 9781463910686 1280878320 9781280878329 9786613719638 6613719633 Year: 1986 Publisher: Washington D.C. London

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This paper analyzes problems of international money. The paper highlights that there are three chief economic evils—starvation and poverty in the Third World, unemployment in industrial countries, and price inflation in the industrial countries that has been so fast as to be socially unacceptable at home and to complicate immensely social and economic adjustment in much of the rest of the world. The paper examines structural change and financial innovation in the international monetary system since 1972. It also analyzes exchange rate management and surveillance since 1972.


monnaie --- international --- marche international financier --- marche international des capitaux --- fmi --- congres --- AA / International- internationaal --- 339.115 --- 333.825 --- 333.432.8 --- 333.450 --- 333.111.42 --- Papers presented at a seminar organized by the IMF and the Overseas Development Institute in London in March 1985. --- International finance --- 332.042 --- International monetary system --- International money --- Finance --- International economic relations --- geld --- internationaal --- internationale financiele markt --- internationale kapitaalmarkt --- imf --- congressen --- Buitenlandse schuld. Debt Equity Swap in LDC. --- Deviezenpolitiek. Interventies. --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten. --- Theorie van het deviezenverkeer. Theorie van de koopkrachtpariteit. --- goudreserves en deviezenreserves. --- International finance. --- Papers presented at a seminar organized by the IMF and the Overseas Development Institute in London in March 1985 --- goudreserves en deviezenreserves --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten --- Theorie van het deviezenverkeer. Theorie van de koopkrachtpariteit --- Deviezenpolitiek. Interventies --- Buitenlandse schuld. Debt Equity Swap in LDC --- Business & Economics --- International Finance --- Banks and Banking --- Exports and Imports --- Financial Risk Management --- Foreign Exchange --- Money and Monetary Policy --- Industries: Financial Services --- Banks --- Depository Institutions --- Micro Finance Institutions --- Mortgages --- Monetary Systems --- Standards --- Regimes --- Government and the Monetary System --- Payment Systems --- Current Account Adjustment --- Short-term Capital Movements --- Monetary Policy --- Banking --- Currency --- Foreign exchange --- Monetary economics --- International economics --- Exchange rates --- Currencies --- Exchange rate policy --- Money --- Reserve assets --- Central banks --- Banks and banking --- Balance of payments --- Foreign exchange reserves --- United States

A strategy for IMF reform
ISBN: 0881323985 9780881323986 9786611744533 0881324671 1435658027 1281744530 9781435658028 Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics,

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International finance --- International Monetary Fund --- BUSINESS & ECONOMICS --- International / Economics --- Finance --- Business & Economics --- International Finance --- AA / International- internationaal --- 333.432.8 --- 332.152 --- 330.05 --- International monetary system --- International money --- International economic relations --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten. --- International Monetary Fund. --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ vali︠u︡tnyĭ fond --- Международный валютный фонд --- Miz︠h︡narodnyĭ vali︠u︡tnyĭ fond --- Fundo Monetário Internacional --- Fondo Monetario Internacional --- IMF (International Monetary Fund) --- FMI (International Monetary Fund) --- Internationaler Währungsfonds --- Kokusai Tsūka Kikin --- Fonds monétaire international --- Kukche Tʻonghwa Kigŭm --- Kansainvälinen Valuuttarahasto --- Kuo chi huo pi chi chin --- Fondul Monetar International --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Dawlī --- Fondo M. Internacional --- IWF (International Monetary Fund) --- Kō̜ngthun Kānngœ̄n rawāng Prathēt --- MVF (International Monetary Fund) --- Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy --- Mulya Aramudala --- I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) --- Quỹ tiè̂n tệ quó̂c té̂ --- Nemzetközi Valuta Alap --- صندوق النقد الدولي --- 国际货币基金组织 --- 国際通貨基金 --- 國際貨幣基金組織 --- Fundu Monetariu Internacional --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Duwalī --- DNT (Organization) --- Internationaal monetair fonds --- International monetary fund --- International finance. --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten --- IMF.

Reforming the IMF for the 21st century
ISBN: 088132387X 9780881323870 9786611060985 0881324418 1281060984 1435609123 9781435609129 9780881324419 9781281060983 6611060987 Year: 2006 Volume: 19 Publisher: Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics,

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International finance --- International Monetary Fund --- anno 2000-2099 --- IMF. --- Internationaal monetair systeem. --- Financiële structuur. --- Financial institutions, International. --- International finance. --- Institutions financières internationales --- Finances internationales --- International Monetary Fund. --- Fonds monétaire international --- AA / International- internationaal --- 333.432.8 --- Financial institutions, International --- 332.152 --- International monetary system --- International money --- Finance --- International economic relations --- International financial institutions --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten. --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ vali︠u︡tnyĭ fond --- Международный валютный фонд --- Miz︠h︡narodnyĭ vali︠u︡tnyĭ fond --- Fundo Monetário Internacional --- Fondo Monetario Internacional --- IMF (International Monetary Fund) --- FMI (International Monetary Fund) --- Internationaler Währungsfonds --- Kokusai Tsūka Kikin --- Fonds monétaire international --- Kukche Tʻonghwa Kigŭm --- Kansainvälinen Valuuttarahasto --- Kuo chi huo pi chi chin --- Fondul Monetar International --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Dawlī --- Fondo M. Internacional --- IWF (International Monetary Fund) --- Kō̜ngthun Kānngœ̄n rawāng Prathēt --- MVF (International Monetary Fund) --- Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy --- Mulya Aramudala --- I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) --- Quỹ tiè̂n tệ quó̂c té̂ --- Nemzetközi Valuta Alap --- صندوق النقد الدولي --- 国际货币基金组织 --- 国際通貨基金 --- 國際貨幣基金組織 --- Fundu Monetariu Internacional --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Duwalī --- DNT (Organization) --- BUSINESS & ECONOMICS --- Money & Monetary Policy --- International Finance --- Business & Economics --- Internationaal monetair fonds --- International monetary fund --- Financiële structuur. --- Institutions financières internationales --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten --- Institutions financières internationales. --- Fonds monétaire international.

History of the IMF : Organization, Policy, and Market
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9784431553519 4431553509 9784431553502 4431553517 Year: 2015 Publisher: Tokyo : Springer Japan : Imprint: Springer,

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This book describes the history of the IMF from its birth, through the Bretton Woods era, and in the aftermath. Special attention is paid to integrating IMF history with the macro-economic policies of member countries and of other international institutions as well. This collection of work presents a clear understanding, inter alia, of the influence of the United States over IMF policy via the National Advisory Committee; the dealings of the IMF with the UK on pound sterling policy; the institutional change of the IMF brought about by Per Jacobsson, the third managing director; and France, Italy, Germany, Canada, and Japan vis-à-vis IMF consultations. It also provides the reader with topics concerning the bankers’ acceptance market function and international liquidity issues in relation to IMF policy; the final chapter sheds light on the long-standing relations between the IMF and China, from the Bretton Woods Agreement to the contemporary period. All the chapters are archive-based academic studies providing deep insights with historical background, which makes this book the first thoroughly independent achievement in the field of IMF history. This book is highly recommended to readers interested in contemporary monetary and financial history and those who seek to obtain a coherent image of postwar international institutions and markets.


Economics/Management Science. --- Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics. --- Public Finance & Economics. --- Finance/Investment/Banking. --- International Relations. --- Political Economy. --- Economics. --- Macroeconomics. --- Finance. --- Economie politique --- Macroéconomie --- Finances --- International finance --- Business & Economics --- Economic Theory --- History --- History. --- International Monetary Fund --- Internationaal monetair fonds --- International monetary fund --- Political economy. --- International relations. --- Public finance. --- Economic history. --- Economic History. --- Public Economics. --- Finance, general. --- International Political Economy. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Funding --- Funds --- Economics --- Currency question --- Cameralistics --- Public finance --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Public finances --- International Monetary Fund. --- DNT (Organization) --- FMI (International Monetary Fund) --- Fondo M. Internacional --- Fondo Monetario Internacional --- Fonds monétaire international --- Fondul Monetar International --- Fundo Monetário Internacional --- Fundu Monetariu Internacional --- I.M.F. (International Monetary Fund) --- IMF (International Monetary Fund) --- Internationaler Währungsfonds --- IWF (International Monetary Fund) --- Kansainvälinen Valuuttarahasto --- Kokusai Tsūka Kikin --- Kō̜ngthun Kānngœ̄n rawāng Prathēt --- Kukche Tʻonghwa Kigŭm --- Kuo chi huo pi chi chin --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ vali͡utnyĭ fond --- Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy --- Miz͡hnarodnyĭ vali͡utnyĭ fond --- Mulya Aramudala --- MVF (International Monetary Fund) --- Nemzetközi Valuta Alap --- Quỹ tiè̂n tệ quó̂c t --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Dawl --- Ṣundūq al-Naqd al-Duwal

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